How Fix Windows 10 Couldn’t be Installed Error

Windows 10 is a large scale operating system, and it runs better when you update with its latest version. Installing Windows 10 is not always easy, and their user reporter that Windows 10 gets problematic while updating. There are several reasons why Windows 10 updating error shows on your PC. There are many reasons as to why the error can take place on your PC, and here is how to fix it:

1) Run Windows Updates Troubleshoot

If you have downloaded the latest updates of Windows 10 through Windows Updates, you may be faced with this error. To resolve this error, you need to run Windows 10 troubleshooter.
  1. Tap Windows + S key to enter troubleshooting.
  2. Choose troubleshoot in the Menu.
  3. Select View all in the Menu appears on your left.
  4. Choose Windows Updates.
  5. Tap Next to launch the Wizard.
 2) Installing Windows 10 through Media Creation

Maybe you wish to try downloading and installing Windows 10 in your computer through the “Media Creation Tools.” To finish this process, you need an empty USB drive. When you complete the download of Windows 10 ISO, you are able to create bootable installing media through the Windows “Media Creation Tool.” You only need to launch the start updating on your device.
3) Change Registry Values
You can fix this issue straightforward by changing values in your computer registry. In this article, we will teach you how you can change registry values carefully to fix this problem. So it is an excellent idea to keep the backup of your data into a USB flash drive or any online backup because anything goes not corrected.
Here are the steps on how to fix Windows installation failed through changing registry values:
  1. Tap Windows + R key and enter to regedit.
  2. Tap Enter or press, OK.
  3. Visit the (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control) keys that appear on the left panel of the screen.
  4. In the right panel preview PortableOperatingSystem value, you need to double-tap on it to check its properties.
  5. Here you need to change Value data, 1 to 0, and the user can also change value 0 to 1 to fix this problem, so maybe you carefully try this.
Off “Registry Editor” and restart your computer and check issues resolved of the bot. If Windows 10 still couldn’t be installed, then try another method.

4) Turn off Antivirus and Firewall

If you are facing error code 8024402C when trying to download the current version of Windows 10, you may disable your firewall and Antivirus. Sometimes these tools interfere with Windows updates. In some cases, you maybe delete a third-party firewall and Antivirus.
  1. Here are the steps on how to fix Windows installation failed through turn off Antivirus and Firewall:
  2. Tap Windows + S key to enter firewall.
  3. Choose Windows Firewall in the appeared list.
  4. Select “Turn Windows Firewall” on or off in the Menu.
  5. Choose “Turn off Windows Firewall” for Private and Public networking settings.
  6. Tap OK to save your changes.
5) Restart Windows Updates Service

Here are the steps on how to fix Windows installation failed through restarting windows updates service:
  1. Tap Windows + X key to launch the “Power User Menu” and select “Command Prompt.”
  2. When the command Prompt start, enter the following command:
  3. net stop wuauserv
  4. net start wuauserv
  5. When both commands executed successfully, close “Command Prompt” and verify problems are fixed or not.
6) Rename or create a new Administrator account

Many users are claiming that they can fix this problem by renaming the temporary folder. To start this, first, you need to create a new administrator account. 
Here are the steps on how to fix Windows installation failed through Rename or create a new Administrator account:
  1. Launch settings application and a visit to Accounts.
  2. Visit “Family and other users” option and then tap on “Add someone else to this PC.
  3. Select “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information.”
  4. Tap on “Add a user without a “Microsoft account.
  5. Enter your username of the new administrator account and then tap on Next.
After doing the above process, your new account is added as other users section. Make sure all new account is your created is in the standard user, which means they have not an administrator benefit. You can fix this issue by following the given command:
  1. In another user section, you can view a new account that you have created.
  2. Tap on it.
  3. Tap Changes account type option.
  4. Change account type to administrator from standard, and then tap OK to save your changes.
  5. After creating a new account, log out to the main account from your pc and switch to a new account. Visit C:\Windows folder, find the Temp folder, and rename it to Temp2.
Now log out of your new account and again login with your main account. Now try to download and install Windows 10 updates. After updating your Windows 10, you can delete the new account that you have created.

7) Checking Registry Configuration is correct

If you want to download the latest version of Windows 10, you need to make sure your registry configuration is correct.
Here are the steps on how to fix Windows installation failed through checking registry configuration is correct:
  1. Launch Registry Editor.
  2. Visit the (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion) key that appears on the left panel.
  3. Find ProgramFilesDir (x86) and ProgramFilesDir entries that appear in the right. Make sure you will have ProgramFilesDir (x86) entry when you are using 64-bit version.
  4. Double-tap “ProgramFilesDir” entry to change the data value to C:\Program Files.
  5. If you have ProgramFilesDir (x86) entry, make sure to settings it values data to C:\Program Files (x86).
After completing this process, you need to close the Registry Editor and verify this problem is resolved.

8) Uninstalling Report Banking Software

If you want to install windows 10 updates, you maybe face issues via third-party software. So you need to check all the software installed in your PC that was the reason behind the error. First, remove that software and download and install windows 10 updates in your Windows 10.

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