Destiny 2: How to Open Zavala Office & Vault

The much-awaited Season of Destiny 2 has finally released by Bungie, and the gamers across the globe are acclaiming it. The game has currently updated with new Trials of Osiris, and the players are busy accomplishing its quest. The players who are not aware of Trails of Osiris, it is an event that appears on Destiny 2 in quite a frequent time.

The gamers across the globe are facing difficulty in the quest to attain an Exotic shotgun of Fourth Horsemen. Apparently, the task is a bit intricate as it requires from the gamers to first visit the office of Zavala and finding the office is quite difficult. Although some players manage to find the Zavala office as they try to open the door, they teleport back to the Tower. In the subsequent blog, we are going to brief about the location of the Zavala office alongside ways to open it.

Open Zavala Office

The gamers need to first visit the Tower, and then require to go towards Courtyard. The precise location to visit in Courtyard can be easily identified by the players through the railing that is being wrapped across a wide area. Thereafter, the players need to visit the area where Banshee is situated.
Once the gamers reached to the Banshee area, then they require to take the stairs lies on the right side. The stairs have a vivid railing of yellow color. The gamers need to go down through the stairs until they finish leaving them to a plain surface. Thereafter, the gamers need to take the very first left and then require access to the door large in size than usual, and it will appear on their right side of the players. The large door will take the gamers straight to the office of Zavala.
Open Zavala Vault
Once the gamers reach successfully to the office of Zavala, then they need to open the vault where he has kept all the weapons. The fourth horsemen weapon also lies in a similar vault, so players need to initiate towards the very first door appear on their right. After that, they need to take the stairs that will take them to the room that contains a door made up of glass.
Thereafter, they need to bend down to access to small vent slightly lies on their right. The vault will take them instantly to the room where they need to locate a gap between the walls. The gap is concealing a secret staircase that will lead them to an orange-colored room. The gamers need to take the door on the left side to visit the storage room where another vent lies.
 Go inside that vent, and it will lead the gamers to a room where several boxes are being placed. The gamers need to take a right, and it will lead them to the vault of the Fourth horsemen. The gamers will find the weapon in the same vault, and they just have to locate for it as the horsemen must keep it at a safe place.
The article will help the gamers in the opening of the Zavala office and vault in destiny 2. We hope that you will find this article purposeful.
Gamers who are willing to play Destiny 2 can obtain it on Xbox OnePS4, and Google Stadia.
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